We have translated our vision and mission into the following statutory objectives:
- Developing innovative community building concepts and skills for bridging language, culture, age and faith barriers;
- fostering positive ways of learning together whilst respecting different cultural backgrounds;
- carrying out all that is related in the broadest sense to the afore mentioned or can be conducive towards that.
We try to achieve these goals by:
- Emphasizing and highlighting effective methods for international schooling and peace building.
- Networking, bridge-building, and having people of different cultural backgrounds work together. Provide assistance in the complexity of diversity issues arising from international migration, by creative problem solving in order to increase opportunities for all.
- Providing a forum for sharing reflections and resources and developing new policies.
- Invest in socially related strategies. Working on a clean, healthy and earth friendly community and world.
Diversity of people, their mutual differences, can enrich societies and, if used sensibly, make them strong. When everyone is able to fully utilize their own talents and strength and use them for common goals, no challenge is too big. By working inclusive and equivalent everyone is welcome and nobody is excluded.
The foundation focuses on everyone who seeks an active place in society: children, young people, adults and the elderly, with different backgrounds, cultures, religions, and social status. The aim is to find new forms in which everyone can participate and contribute positively. It is about inspiring and activating, to jointly create places that feel like a new home.
Inspiration Inc. works towards a world in which this may be the new standard. We want to shape our vision with the following mission:
Inspiration Inc. Foundation develops, implements and shares creative forms for social entrepreneurship, collective self-reliance, transcultural care, participation and cooperation based on the power of inclusion and reciprocity
A large number of people are unemployed, are discriminated against and see few opportunities to commit themselves to serving society. Talents remain untapped and frustration increases, resulting in a lack of meaning and satisfaction. Nevertheless, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
Article 23: 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
Article 27: 1. Everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy art and to participate in scientific progress and its benefits.
Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution also states:
All who are in the Netherlands be treated equally in equal cases. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political affiliation, race, gender or on any grounds whatsoever is not permitted.
Inspiration Inc Foundation strives for equality and does this on the basis of the following vision: We share a common urge for development, justice, basic happiness for everyone, and the wish that every person can develop himself in freedom. This applies to everyone in the Netherlands, including migrants and people with a different ethnic background.
Priority 2019-2020
For the duration of the 2019-2024 policy plan, we focus on the following priorities:
- Administrative peace. There is a permanent board and supervisory board and the Culture and Care Code has been fully implemented and is regularly evaluated.
- It is to maintain a strong core team of people with diverse professional and cultural backgrounds who can guarantee the continuity of the organization.
- A permanent group of at least 100 well-trained volunteers.
- Further develop the fixed locations BuurT-Thuis Akwaaba and BuurT-Thuis Karibu.
- Strengthen positive and strategic partnerships.
The following methods are used to carry out these activities:
- We inspire and challenge participants to look beyond their own borders. Our target groups consist of children, young people, families, parents and other adults, with a specific focus on people with a refugee background and on people from countries other than the Netherlands. In addition, people dealing with poverty, loneliness and forms of exclusion are among the target groups. Inclusion and dealing with diversity are important values within this network. To allow them to look beyond their own borders, it is important to meet people from different parts of the world. Our methodologies have been developed in collaboration with people from all over the world, based on practical experiences with refugees, self-organizations, art organizations, neighborhood initiatives, organizations and companies.
- We stimulate discussions about diversity and (real) inclusion. Our activities are aimed at activating people to come into contact with others and actually building a valuable bond with them. In doing so, we assume participants' resilience and their own needs and talents.
- We prefer to develop concepts for community formation in practice. We learn by taking care of each other ('learning-by-doing') and improve our working method by sharing and discussing our experiences with each other. Develop new methodologies together with participants and scientific partners and convert the concepts into social enterprises.
- We actively collaborate with various organizations, companies, educational institutions, scientists, welfare institutions etc. and share our working methods and experiences with them. We do this by inviting them to let them play a suitable role in our activities wherever possible. We will discuss the details of their efforts in consultation with them. This helps us to explore new perspectives and thus to continue to innovate.
- We work result-oriented and bottom-up. We respond to the specific questions and needs of the participants and translate them with them into activities in which they recognize themselves and can play an important role themselves. The projects have a positive effect on the way people get to know each other; the creative approach promotes social cohesion and equal opportunities.