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Nieuw lid Diamondiaal Begeleidingscommissie

Hier Engelse tekst - Wij wensen Adeola Enigbokan van harte welkom bij het Diamondiaal Begeleidingscommissie.

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Diamondiaal &  woonfonds meerwonen bouwen samen

Hier Engelse tekst - Stichting inspiratie Inc; wooncoöperatie Diamondiaal en coöperatieve woonfonds meerwonen bouwen gezamenlijk het BuurT-Thuis Diamondiaal in Almere Oosterwolde met een gemeenschappelijke keuken en bakkerij; zoals dat bij elke leuke dorpje hoort!

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Co-operative housing more than a home in Canada

The ‘Diamondiaal’ project is carried out by Inspiratie Inc., a non-profit organisation located in Almere, The Netherlands. The aspiration to develop a sustainable and circular community arises from the values promoted by the organisation, namely cooperation and participation, while supporting diversity and citizen empowerment. The long-term goal is to achieve a sustainable and self-sufficient living by drawing from the principles of circularity and providing space for expression of initiatives by inhabitants, in a multicultural context. The development of Diamondiaal takes place within the municipality of Almere in Almere Oosterwold. Inspiratie inc has reserved 2 ha to Inspiratie Inc. for implementing their vision of the intercultural and global village ‘Diamondiaal’. On this parcel, land is assigned to various purposes and activities.

Diamondiaal combines social housing for ca. 80 people with social enterprising opportunities. This will be developed and managed by housing co-op Diamondiaal. The central piece of land is devoted to the building of a community centre, where catering, educational and childcare facilities will be installed, alongside ateliers for artists and other community facilities. This space is open not only to residents, but also to the general public.

Inspiratie Inc. commissioned the Wageningen University Science Shop to provide expertise, which extend the resources, enthusiasm and creativity in place with a sound analysis and study of the potential solutions for sustainable techniques relating to energy, water and food production that complement each other and function in a circular way. In these systems, the outputs of one is an input for the other, and vice versa. Supporting interconnections between these systems is the first step for a circular community, with enables partially self-sufficient inhabitants to produce their own energy through renewable resources.

We are at the beginning of a journey with multiple partners, such as the Kansfonds, Gemeente Almere en Stefan van Uffelen (MVO Nederland). Our work is the stepping stone for further investigation of creating a sustainable and circular community in Almere.

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Anterieure overeenkomst met eerste bewoners Diamondiaal

Met dank aan de samenwerking van Raad van Adviesleden Inspiratie Inc (Denktank Diamondiaal), Cooperatief Woonfonds Meerwonen, Wooncooperatie Diamondiaal en Gemeente Almere...


rules oosterwold

In Almere Oosterwold bouwen wij aan onze droom: Diamondiaal

Here English text - Duurzaam, artistiek en voor iedereen toegankelijk, elk talent naar eigen vermogen inzettend.

Het moet een broedplaats zijn voor sociaal ondernemerschap, deelnemers bouwen mee, verhuren ruimtes, koken, runnen een restaurant en cateringservice, geven cursussen, faciliteren interculturele workshops en verkopen zelf geteelde en gemaakte producten. Voor alle toekomstige initiatiefnemers die de geboden vrijheid in Oosterwold ten volle willen benutten het volgende: De enige officiële website over Oosterwold is:

  • Je hoeft in Oosterwold NIET in zee te gaan met projectontwikkelaars;
  • je hoeft in Oosterwold niet samen met anderen te gaan bouwen;
  • je hoeft in Oosterwold NIET in een wijk met gelijksoortige woningen te gaan wonen;
  • je hoeft in Oosterwold NIET via een tussenpersoon grond te kopen;
  • je hebt in Oosterwold geen adviseur nodig om grond te kunnen kopen en te gaan bouwen;
  • je kan in Oosterwold helemaal zelf de locatie, vorm en invulling van je kavel bepalen;
  • je bent helemaal vrij in het ontwerpen van je huis (geen welstandseisen);
  • je kan in Oosterwold gewoon direct van de gemeente je kavel kopen, zonder opslagen voor tussenpersonen en adviseurs;
  • de handelingen die je moet verrichten om een kavel te kunnen kopen zijn eenvoudig en goed te overzien. Iedereen kan dit zelf en waar nodig kan je even hulp inroepen van andere initiatiefnemers;
  • het bureaucratische traject betreffende de omgevingsvergunning is goed te overzien en probleemloos zelf af te handelen. het enige dat je nodig hebt is een ecologisch rapport (binnen enkele dagen geregeld), een archeologisch rapport (velen gingen je voor, ook dit is met enige weken geregeld), een ontwikkelplan (op de site van Maak Oosterwold te downloaden, in een weekendje in te vullen).

Het belangrijkste wat je als initiatiefnemer moet uitzoeken is:

Locatie, vorm en omvang kavel (eenvoudige rekensom: oppervlak kavel is minimaal 8 maal het gewenste vloeroppervlak (BG en 1e verdieping apart gerekend) van de woning met schuur. Wil je 250 m2 vloeroppervlak (incl. muren), dan heb je 2000 m2 kavel nodig; Indeling van de kavel: plek van huis op de kavel (midden..), plek van de weg (zijkant), publiek toegankelijk groen (zijkant..) en water; via welke weg ga je de kavel ontsluiten (waarschijnlijk moet je aansluiten bij een vereniging. in een later stadium: het soort huis, materiaal, vorm, grootte etc.; nog later: bron voor warmte (er is geen gas) zoals warmtepomp, houtvergasser, gas etc.).

Kortom: zelf (laten) bouwen is leuk en voor iedereen die daaraan wat tijd wil spenderen goed te doen. Zet de TV aan de straat en je houdt zelfs nog tijd over.

We zijn momenteel bezig met het maken van de website voor Diamondiaal.
Hier zal je later foto's en visuele impressies vinden van het project!


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Ontwikkeling Diamondiaal 2016

Feestelijke open dag in BuurT-Thuis Akwaaba op 27 september 2015, van 10:00 tot 16:00 uur met een bezoek van de nieuwe burgemeester van Almere Franc Weerwind.


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Diamondiaal - Stad van de toekomst

Stad van de Toekomst wordt een ontmoetingsplek, plek om te wonen én een broedplaats voor sociaal ondernemerschap van Inspiratie Inc.


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community garden

Odeonstraat, in the city centre of Almere, is the new location of a developing community garden. It started as a large piece of wasteland and great ideas coming together. Surrounded by the 72 households of building cooperation Alliantie, new homes for 72 households, we are developing a new community garden.

“Yesterday we rescued a fruit tree, some thyme plants and Jerusalem artichokes a previous inhabitant of Odeonpark left behind. They were almost buried by the construction workers but we saved them! First plants for Odeonpark: CHECK"

The project has been created with and for Young People & their families from the refugee and migrant community in Almere. In our city of Almere and other cities in Europe we read the critical remarks in respect to newcomers, fostering an environment of fear and mistrust towards people in search of a new home. The project is aimed at supporting the integration of newcomers in Almere (about 2000 new registrations in the past 2 years) whilst making positive headlines highlighting the many great contributions and the positive impact of diversity on the city: see for example nieuwe-stadstuin.

BuurT-Tuin Karibu invests in community art and community gardening as an effective way to connect people, who did not know each other prior to this initiative.

Secondary school pupils from the "World School" ASG Meergronden and students from the University Aeres Almere actively participated in this project, as well as those involved with buddy projects of Inspiratie Inc. & Stichting Kim.

Together we made a start in transforming a neglected area of Almere in the City Centre into a beautiful community garden, BuurT-Tuin Karibu. Please also refer to our video from one of these action days with interviews from some of the participants and collaborative partners: deed-weer-mee-met-nl-doet/

As you can see in the video with a big team of volunteers we already completed making a willow hut, one Hügelkulturbed, paved part of the round patio, planted a bunch of donated plants and we did some traditional Dutch hedge 'laying'....

“Yeah! After months of planning, talking and meetings the design for the community garden at Odeonpark is done! The team at Inspiratie Inc has already started the garden surrounding BuurT-Thuis Karibu, and when the construction crew is done with the houses it's time to plant the rest!

Odeonpark is some seriously marginal land, while the rest of Almere is heavy, fertile clay this piece of the city has been used as a soil depot. This part of Odeonpark is the 'worst' part, there used to be a school here and all the soil is just white construction sand.. We will improve the soil using compost, hügelkultur, manure from a local petting zoo and of course green manure plants. The plan is to turn this area into a high production site that supplies the kitchen of Karibu with quality produce that the chefs can turn into exquisite meals for the restaurant. To keep the costs down only certain areas will be improved using compost, manure and hügelkultur and the rest of the area will be planted with appropriate crops that can deal with the sandy soil and/or provide fertility by fixing nitrogen and generating biomass that can be tilled in.

As usual in Permaculture design the problem is the solution here: in the sandy soil we have the chance to grow crops that can't grow anywhere else in Almere and this marginal land houses some rare plant species that thrive on the poor soil. Luckily nature doesn't actually need us and is already fixing itself, check out the lush clover fixing nitrogen.”

Through ongoing workshops and Action Days, we will be planting a herb spiral, many trees, create willow sculptures, and make meaningful ceramic objects. The project will be underpinned throughout by themes of memorialisation; of honouring the ancestors and exploring their legacy. Through the sharing of signi ficant histories, we will create shared knowledge, which will become the glue that holds people together.

At the project site, new houses have almost been completed for students and this project will help to make sure that the newcomers feel welcomed and a part of their new city. With our help the current neighbouring residents were active in the transformation of this shared area, to the benefit of all.

In order to support the expenses of this project one of the international Work Awayers Catherine Holbrooks, a student of Literary on a London University, who worked in the various community gardens is still active raising funds on our behalf. Have a look and keep supporting: Just giving crowdfunding.


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community Garden

Elementary school Al Iman is one of the first-found Islamic primary schools in the Netherlands. Since 1990, it is a Dutch-based Islamic school open to all children, regardless of their social and religious background. The school has about 360 students. The students come from all over Almere: Almere City, Almere Buiten and Almere Haven.

Inspiratie Inc supports the creation of a small playful garden in the school. A Willow hut and flowers were implemented and children enjoy daily play whilst the hut is growing stronger. Large mosaics made with the pupils of all six school classes are placed outside the school building. We are at present busy with the preparation of a parent and child festival in Stedenwijk, in order to further develop and strengthen our growing bonds with this area of Almere.

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Community Garden

Located in Almere Haven, this community garden is founded in the middle of a small backyard in the centre of Almere Haven.

It now has become a place for neighbourhood barbecues, two picnic tables to sit on and chat with fellow neighbours or read a book whilst little children play safely in the enclosed space.... a willow hut, an apple tree, flowers.

Children play and even help water the garden and parents tell about it proudly via Facebook, but also local shopkeepers, such as the VLA cadoewinkel/ VLA shop to recycle presents help out with toilet and other facilities. Together the neighbours and volunteers met weekly for 3 of the winter-month every Tuesday in the local community cafe with thanks to the partnership with Doeners Dreef Zorg.

We have completed 50 workshops with a group of ca. 20 Havenaren & their friends we developed ideas about how to further shape the garden and meet the needs of the community. At present the small garden is filled with yellow flowers and the pathways are clearly shaped and covered with woodspan. Unlike before dog owners respect this little oasis.

We also decided on introducing further plant diversity, such as

  • Flowers that grow every year
  • Strawberries
  • Autumn flowers
  • Raspberries
  • Boskoop Glory grape
  • Ginko biloba 100 cm 
  • Buddleja, butterfly bush
  • Artichoke
  • comfrey

We called on the expert tuition of permaculture designer Irene Moutthaan, who helped to make a design from which to implement the ideas in the coming Spring and Summer. We also worked hard on a text & design for a nice wooden board, so that more people understand how to connect to our gardens. We attended 2 social cafe's and met with representatives of the Wijkteams in Almere Haven in order to further deepen our collaboration within the area of Almere Haven and we agreed on a collaboration with the Meergronden/Wereldschool.

We also attended several meetings with respect to the Voedselbos Uithof and the partners associated with this permaculture initiative, and we presented the project in Amsterdam agreeing on a future collaboration with BuurT Bankjes in order to encourage new local partners. We are also hoping to further extend the collaboration with the shop owners from Almere Haven in support of local community cohesion. We hope you too will support our efforts to take the next step towards waste free & green neighbourhoods.

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Stichting Inspiratie-Inc.
Odeonstraat 580
1325 AL Almere Stad
Tel: +31 06 39584516

IBAN NL 58 RABO 0128990678
KVK nummer 50226428
RSIN nummer 822621502

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