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The BostuinTafel Coöperatie U.A. (the ForestgardenTable Cooperation) has been founded to share the cultural wealth of food diversity and hospitality of the New Dutch with neighborhoods, communities, companies and institutions in the region of Almere, the Netherlands and far beyond. After all, we are all connected by food, because every man needs to eat in order to live. Yet, as a world society, we allow for large numbers of people to live on tiny amounts of food.

We want that to be different

For ourselves, our fellow humans, and for those we had to leave behind. None of us need to deny the flavor richness of the kitchens that are familiar and dear to us. All of us can enjoy the culinary splendor and diversity that we have brought to the Netherlands. Food is the carrier of health: healthy food for a healthy planet, healthy people with healthy household incomes and a healthy economy. As such BostuinTafel uses a circular perspective. We are inspired by the permaculture principles, which offer a circular economy model that not only feeds people sustainably but also respects the planet. And we are circular because food unites people. Food is to be shared, to feed and to be celebrated. ‘Inclusive' is central to everything we do. We make food inclusive: with appreciation for the soil, for living nature that produces our food, the supplier of labor and quality, the environment and each other. Every one is welcome at the table, thanks to the time honored tradition of hospitality, carried here by all of us. There is always an additional plate set out for the unexpected and welcome guest.

We start out small, in Almere, where we first met

Here we are developing a prototype which we plan to implement within Europe and far beyond. Inspiratie Inc, with over 8 years experience, is giving us a helping hand. Together, as cooperating organizations, we are creating a better future for all of us.

BostuinTafel offers:

  • Take-away meals
  • Interactive meals with music, at one of our locations
  • Or at a location of your choice
  • And so much more…

Please contact us to discuss your wishes:
Sandra Manintveld
Phone: 06 1460 3782

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Foto Amal Abbass-Saal

Bewoners van eco-dorp staan straks op straat

Lees het artikel van One World over Diamondiaal.

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Rental Eco-housing Diamondiaal

Renting eco housing diamondiaal

The eco-housing of our Diamondiaal village, situated on the Bostuin (off Vrije Vogellaan), Almere Oosterwold will be ready to be rented out in the summer of 2018.

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Op 21 APRIL organiseert Wooncoöperatie Diamondiaal i.s.m. met Coöperatief Woonfonds Meerwonen, Stichting Inspiratie Inc en de Bostuin Tafel het feest in Almere Oosterwold.

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community home Diamondiaal

Hier Engelse tekst - Diamondiaal wordt een ontmoetingsplek en broedplaats voor sociaal ondernemerschap van Inspiratie Inc.

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Diamondiaal Project doelstellling

Een geïntegreerde circulaire woon- & werkgemeenschap in Almere Oosterwold


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Locatie diamondiaal

Circulaire woon- & werkgemeenschap ‘Diamondiaal’ in Oosterwold (Almere)
In samenwerking met de gemeente Almere is grond beschikbaar gekomen waarop Inspiratie-Inc mag beginnen met het bouwen van een ‘intercultureel werelddorp Diamondiaal.’


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Nieuw lid Diamondiaal Begeleidingscommissie

Hier Engelse tekst - Wij wensen Adeola Enigbokan van harte welkom bij het Diamondiaal Begeleidingscommissie.

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Diamondiaal &  woonfonds meerwonen bouwen samen

Hier Engelse tekst - Stichting inspiratie Inc; wooncoöperatie Diamondiaal en coöperatieve woonfonds meerwonen bouwen gezamenlijk het BuurT-Thuis Diamondiaal in Almere Oosterwolde met een gemeenschappelijke keuken en bakkerij; zoals dat bij elke leuke dorpje hoort!

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Stichting Inspiratie-Inc.
Odeonstraat 580
1325 AL Almere Stad
Tel: +31 06 39584516

IBAN NL 58 RABO 0128990678
KVK nummer 50226428
RSIN nummer 822621502

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